Your First Step In To The World of Yoga

step 1

Yoga is considered as India's gift to the world. And rightly so. Its benefits are so immense that you can comfortably live a healthy life if you make it a part of your life.

It just that takes that one step to start with. Once you have begun, trust us. There will be no looking back.

If you are new to yoga and want to start a practice on your own, "Surya Namaskar" or "Sun Salutation" is the best place to begin. It is a series of 12 different asanas or poses which when done in a sequence becomes a complete workout for the entire body.

BENEFITS Although the benefits itself can take up an entire post, here are some of them.

  • A complete workout with ZERO equipment.
  • Improves flexibility.
  • Betters your posture.
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle & eases pain.
  • Improves internal body functioning.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Reduces hair fall and promotes hair growth.
  • Helps you to de-stress & increases overall strength.

  • A perfect workout for Men, Women, Adults & Kids.
"Surya Namaskar" is an integral part of warm up for all our dancers. Before every rehearsal , we make them do a few to get the whole body energized.

It is very simple to start a yoga practice on your own. In the beginning you can just do a few "Surya Namaskars" and that itself will be excellent for your body. Once you get into the habit of doing this regularly, you can expand or maybe even join a class.

So just follow along as shown in the image. With every step we have shown the breathing pattern. If it becomes too much to do at the start, just breathe normally and concentrate on getting the step right. Slowly you can start focusing on your breath. That is when you will get the true benefits.

STEP 1: Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

  • Stand at the edge of your mat and hold your hands in Prayer Position.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.

STEP 2: Hasta Uttanasana ( Raised Arms Pose)

  • Inhale & Lift up your arms , with your biceps close to your ears.
  • Keep your feet stable and try to stretch your body.

STEP 3: Hastapaadasana (Hand To Foot Pose)

  • Exhale & Fold forward. Don't slouch or bend your spine.
  • Imagine you are trying to push a surface beneath your palms.
  • Try to get your palms to touch your feet OR the floor.

  • (Beginners can always touch your knees or thighs and slowly with practice you will get deeper)

STEP 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

  • Inhale & stretch your Right Leg behind, knee touching the mat.
  • To deepen the stretch , place your left foot between your palms.

STEP 5: Adhomukha Shwanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

  • Exhale & stretch your left leg behind.
  • Lift your tail bone to the sky .
  • Spread your palms flat on the floor.
  • To deepen the stretch try to place both the feet on the floor.

STEP 6: Ashtanga Namaskar ( 8 part salutation-2 hands,2 feet,2 knees, chest, chin)

  • Bring your toes, knees, chest and chin to touch the floor.
  • Automatically your hips and head will be raised.

STEP 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  • Inhale and gently let your body slide forward.
  • Raise your torso so that you will feel a stretch on your lower back.


  • {Keeping your palms and feet on the floor, raise your hip to the sky}


  • (You begin by bringing your right leg forward & keep the left foot stretched)


  • Just bring your left foot forward and proceed.


  • From the forward fold gently raise up and proceed.


  • End your "Surya Namaskar" in the prayer pose.

Now repeat this entire process by stretching your left leg back in STEP 4. This forms ONE SET of "Surya Namaskar"

BEGINNERS: You can start with a minimum of 3 sets every day. With practice your body will get used to the movement and you can slowly increase the no. of repetitions.

CAUTION: Always listen to your body. If you feel you have an injury and its coming in the way be gentle. But general body ache is normal in the beginning. You are stretching your muscles , so there is bound be some soreness.

There you go. Your first step towards yoga has already begun :) Go ahead and start your day with "Surya Namaskars". You will instantly feel a difference in your body and mind.

So share your experience with us. Also any queries you have feel free to ask. We will try our best to answer them.

Happy Living :)
