chakrasan picture

How to Master the Chakrasana (Wheel Pose) using a Physio Ball

You must be wondering why I lay so much stress on yoga when this is supposed to be a dance company.

I always tell my dancers to make sure you have worked out your body for a minimum of 45 minutes.

Let us understand why.

If you are a dancer or like dancing, it is absolutely crucial for your body to be able to push those limits of dancing and be physically strong. And most of us have weak areas. For example, I have very weak arms, so if a dance routine involves a war like sequence where I am supposed to take hand stands and fall, it is essential I do prior training to make my arms stronger to be able to do a particular sequence.

Yoga in that sense is a holistic sort of a workout, especially for dancers. It is a perfect combination of balance, strength, flexibility and concentration which are all main aspects of any style of dancing.

I have pretty much been a self taught yogi. I read up a lot about different styles of yoga and what you can do to prevent injuries.

I have one such exercise to master the Wheel Pose using an exercise or a physio ball.

Benefits of Chakrasana

  • Strengthens back

  • Strengthens thigh muscles

  • Makes arms stronger

  • Improves sense of balance

  • Due to its inversion it is very healthy for facial skin as blood flows to the head

Chakrasana or Wheel Pose Using a Physio Ball

Use a physio ball to get into each of those positions. An exercise or a physio ball helps get a better balance and prevents falling down. An excellent accessory for not just beginners, but also people who are trying to get into the advance stage of Chakrasana.

Try lifting the leg once you get comfortable with the Chakrasana, this involves quite a bit of concentration and strengthens your thigh muscles significantly.

P.S : If you have any more ideas or suggestions as to how to improve back bends please do comment below.

Happy Yoga Practicing!!! Remember it all is helping you get fitter, younger, better dancers as you keep practicing.


