Saturday Morning Sunshine!!!

People like to get up late on a weekend. I love weekends just because I love to grab the opportunity to get up early, start the day right so that it goes right.

And even for someone who hates mornings, one definitely cannot deny how brilliant the weather looks early morning.

I have been having bad sleep cycles because of which I have been waking up only post 7-8am. Thanks to my puppy Phoebe, I managed to get up exactly at 5.52am. She somehow needed to go for a walk to do her early morning jobs a little earlier in the day.

I had a wonderful yoga session. I have been working on headstands and handstands lately. I can see a visible difference in my headstand compared to when I started. Looks like I'm quite close to having a perfect headstand.

The month of April and May were months where I was working on my core and backbends. Now I have a typical pear shaped body like most Indian women, and I tend to gain weight around my waistline and hips first thing before anything else.

For me my waist region was always a problem area. Innumerable number of crunches also did not really slim down my waist. But lately I have noticed that I have managed to lose a good couple of inches from my waist and it feels very toned. I realized it is because of the miracle asana called Rajakapotasana (The King Pigeon Pose)

King Pigeon Pose

step 1

It is definitely an intense backbend, but the core has the most benefits from this asana. I do this each time for maybe not more than 20-30 seconds but it really exercises the core.

Try this out, because if you have a typical Indian Woman body type like mine, you will greatly benefit from this.

Also I made my boiled Bottle Gourd green juice.

Recipe is given below

step 1


1 cup chopped, steamed or boiled bottle gourd pieces

2 lemons, freshly squeezed

Sprigs of Coriander and Mint

1 table spoon of Flaxseed

Salt and Pepper to Taste

Blend them all in with a hand blender. Let the gourd be warm. It tastes like warm soup.

My breakfast then was my regular oatmeal with milk, bananas, flaxseed, honey and homemade peanut butter. Oh yes, I managed to make my very own peanut butter at home. I will share the recipe of that soon.

Remember, A day started well is a day conquered. :)

Happy Saturday Morning everyone!!!


